Friday, November 16, 2012

Shout Out for JoltedNerf

Welcome to JoltedNerf"s YouTube page..............

        Mr. Hyde

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Nerf N-strike Elite

As most of us know, N-Strike Elite is old news now and I am sort of disappointed with the whole Elite line.

I am disappointed because the whole Elite line was never new to begin with. All the Elite line is, with the exception of the Hailfire, is souped-up old blasters with new plunger tubes, new paint and new attachments. I don't like how Nerf claims to make "new" blasters, but then just revamps old blasters. Nerf hasn't made something totally new since the start of the Vortex line. What do y'all think?

             Mr. Hyde  

I'm Back!!!

What's up guys? I'm back and I have got a ton of new and cool posts coming up! Stay tuned.

         Mr. Hyde

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Apparently SGNerf was able to pick up a Rampage early--for a high price, no doubt. SGNerf was thoughtful enough to post pictures of the internals. By observing these internals we can easily understand how the Rampage gets it's all ready legendary range.

             NERF, MODS, INFO AND MORE

Saturday, May 12, 2012

General Vortex Info

The Vortex Series is XLR ( extra long range ) disk technology. XLR IS HERE NERFERS!!!  Well, I guess it's kind of old news, but I still thought it would be good to publish this.  Disks are are different from darts in many ways.  Vortex guns hurl disks, although it seems like they're fired.  This gives them an effect similar to a frisby, just a lot more accurate.  Since they fly like a frisby, they get tons more range then convential darts.  But, they float instead of fly, so they are slower.  They are silent though, so they're good for crossfires and long range combat.  The guns themselves look cool, but generally have a flaw somewhere.  Keep you're eyes peeled for more from the Vortex Series!

Nerf Lightning Blitz

I must say, few guns leave a impression like this one. This the vintage Nerf Lightning Blitz.  It doesn't use mega darts, it uses micros!  It think it deserves a ton more credit than it gets.  It is a amazing blaster with tons of potential even in stock form.  It has a simple operation, simply pump it up 7-10 times and pull the trigger.  It fires a salvo of five darts.  As with most air tank guns, pull the trigger as fast as you can.  It gets about 30 feet flat in stock form, which isn't bad considering the number of darts it releases.  At its full range, you have a 50/50 chance of your target being hit.  It has a 80% chance of hitting your enemy at 15 feet away.  If it aims at a target 5 feet away, he's dead no matter what rule set your playing under.  It is a superb blaster for charging snipers or mashing up sword wielders.  Today's guns, such as the Nitron and Jolt, simply can't hold a candle to this weapon.  You'd be expecting this kind of performance from a blaster twice the Blitz's size.  The only downside, do to firing five darts, is that the gun has a slow reload.  It's best used as a support blaster, protecting you from rushes.  In this niche, it does it's job excellently.  All in all, I love the gun and want some more of them!  I'm not letting any of my friends touch this thing!

Friday, April 6, 2012

New NStrike Elite Photos Found!

Amazingly, has pics of the new blasters!  Get a load of the Hailfire!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nerf N-Strike Elite Speckuation

The new info Nerf released regarding the N-Strike Elite was not very helpful. In fact the only new thing we know is what Retaliator officially looks like. Anyway here it is.

                NERF, MODS, INFO AND MORE

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Huge Nerf Update

First off we have some new videos Nerf has released. Here is the one regarding the SnapFire-8

Next we have a new video regarding Nerf N-Strike Elite giving us a sneak look at the at the "HailFire"
Based on that video, we think the HailFire looks like this.
More speculation soon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nerf Dart Tag Snap Fire

Check it out! The new Dart tag "Snap Fire" and it's semi auto with OUT batters BIG win! I have my theories but we don't yet know exactly how it works.

             NERF, MODS, INFO AND MORE

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nerf Vortex Nitron Pre-Purchase Review

The Nerf Nitron is a epic weapon.  It combines the XLR (Xtra Long Range) disc technology with full auto clip fed blasting!  This blaster has very similar stats to the Stampede, although there are a few differences.  The Nerf Nitron has much longer range than the Stampede does but as with all the other disc blasters, the FPS is significantly lower.  Thus, it does not do well in mid range battle, but more at close or far away.  If you want to be able to hit a mid range guy, strap a Rayven CS-18 to your back or carry a Jolt.  The Nitron pawns sword players!  Even the Warlock Nerf Axe dies when the Nitron begins blasting!  Overall, its a great gun!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nerf Tech Target (2005)

   This is a little known set. It came out in 2005-2006 but was quickly replaced as most Tech Targets have been. This set is the first appearance of the Scout IX-3. It has a metallic green, blue, and grey color scheme. The board features three games, Missile Defense, Hit the Number, and Range Simulator. Multiple players can compare points to find winners. I was lucky. I found the Scout and then the board two weeks later at a thrift store amazingly. The Scout and other reverse plunger blasters like the Maverick, Reflex, and Eliminator have been frowned upon for their inferior ranges compared to the Nite Finder.  One thing that you can't fault these blasters for is their consistency and silence.  Firing your Nitefinder gives your position away while these blasters don't attract attention.

   It's all in the name.  The Scout is a perfect secondary for a scout.  With ARs removed and the internals lubed, the Scout is very reliable and gets the job done.  It gets 50ish feet of range with stock darts.  Stock darts, especially whistlers are it's best tools.  Some modders recommend rebarreling.  Dont' do it!  It just doesn't help much and it ruins your ROF.  The stock barrel actually gets more range than the brass barrel.  My particular Scout had a serious case of sticky trigger, so it made sure to sand the trigger down well and lubed everything inside.  It operates very smoothly.

   Now for the target.  This particular version uses a different game set up then normal.  Missile Defense forces you to target quickly since it moves in a circle every five seconds.  You can't let the missiles get away since they give you points.  The ultimate training experience can be constructed using a bunch of darts, a Barricade, and a helper.  The helper attempts to shoot you with the Barricade while you are trying to shoot the target.  The Barricade is needed because my particular helper has trouble cocking guns and doesn't have the best of aim.  You'll be surprised how much you sweat.  Hit the Number should be used to test the accuracy of your gun and to help you with accuracy.  The board calls out a ring and you shoot it.  You have as much time as needed to hit it but if you hit any other number you don't get any points.  The Range Simulator is just a regular game of Darts.  Try to hit the bull's eye as much as possible to rack up points!

~JoltedNerf~ (Formerly LegoManiac.)